Despite the rise in GST to 8% in 2023, SWL Singapore is pleased to announce that with effect from 01 Jan 2023, there will be a 6 - 7% decrease in our METALSISTEM Boltless Rack series!
Price Revision + Trends and Developments of Raw Material Prices
Over the next few months till Sep 2022, there will be price increases in our METALSISTEM products. The price increase is introduced to combat the rising cost of both steel and powder-coating raw material. Current market trends, evolved over the past 8 months, are a direct consequence of international dynamics, which have brought a doubling in steel prices.
Towards a Greener Future
The exclusive development of our Galvanized Boltless Racks is proven to minimize welding and coating/painting processes - which reduces our ecological footprint in both air emissions and gas consumption.
That's why we actively recommend using our galvanized products. And we strongly encourage you to join us in playing a part to protect our environment.